About This Site...

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Images on this site

I view my license from the US Fish & Wildlife Service as a charter both to collect data on hummingbirds in my area and to share what I learn with as many interested people as possible. I hope that the more we all know about these creatures, the more aware we will become of their fragile changing habitats.

This site is part of that effort. Here's some of what I'll try to make available through this site:

An on-going project
Like my research, this site is an on-going project, in some ways always “under construction”. You may want to check back from time to time to see what's new. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Navigating this site
You can get to most of my site through the menu at the left. Longer pages will have a submenu in the upper right, like the one on this page. Clicking an option will take you directly to that part of the page. Finally, really long pages may be broken into parts, with a menu at the bottom of each. Click “Previous” or “Next” or the specific page number to move directly to that part.

This site uses “frames”. If your browser doesn't support frames or you have any other problems, please contact my web nerd for help. (See “Contact Me” on the left.)

Images on this site

Click here to enlarge image. Male Ruby-Throated hummingbird being banded at the West Feliciana Hummingbird Festival, St. Francisville, LA; July 2003
Most of the photographic illustrations on this site have two versions: The one imbedded in the text and a larger one you can view by clicking the Click here to enlarge image. icon immediately beneath the photograph. Doing this will open a separate browser window with a much larger image. An example is at the right.

The imbedded images have been significantly compressed for quicker access over the Internet, at the cost of quality and size. Most of the larger images will take some time to download through a dial-up Internet connection.

Unless footnoted otherwise, I retain all rights, implied and otherwise, to all images on this site, though I am happy for others to use them provided you obtain a written release from me in advance.